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Spells using a wand ! Icon_minitimeLun 31 Oct - 10:53 par tirenardbzh29

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Spells using a wand ! Icon_minitimeDim 16 Oct - 14:59 par Astinax

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Spells using a wand ! Icon_minitimeVen 30 Sep - 20:05 par Astinax

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Spells using a wand ! Icon_minitimeVen 30 Sep - 20:04 par Astinax

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Spells using a wand ! Icon_minitimeLun 26 Sep - 20:33 par tirenardbzh29

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Spells using a wand ! Icon_minitimeDim 25 Sep - 18:22 par tirenardbzh29

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Spells using a wand ! Icon_minitimeJeu 22 Sep - 19:33 par Astinax

» The book of Elyweth written by Glenalmond
Spells using a wand ! Icon_minitimeLun 19 Sep - 12:27 par Glenalmond

» Le manuscrit d'Elyweth par Glenalmond
Spells using a wand ! Icon_minitimeDim 18 Sep - 18:42 par Glenalmond

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 Spells using a wand !

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Messages : 47
Date d'inscription : 14/09/2011

Spells using a wand ! Empty
MessageSujet: Spells using a wand !   Spells using a wand ! Icon_minitimeSam 17 Sep - 13:35

We have spells on the server to use spells you need to craft a wand, using this crafting recipe :
Spells using a wand ! 70712

You will then be able to cycle through the spells with right click and left click to cast the spell!
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